
Through the grapevine

Firstly, other members did not attend the ANC's birthday celebration. Secondly, some from the youth league arrived late and oh, how funny it was to see how they tried to act like celebrities. It's just Elukwatini gents; the grand entrance and fake-celebrity act certainly did not work. Not at all!

Last weekend was the ANC’s 106th birthday celebration. U-Bab Gwede Mantashe gave the keynote address. Had it not been for the national chairperson’s interesting speech, the event might have been considered a total flop!

It would have been better had other members arrived on time to listen to Gwede who spoke a lot of sense, not that gibberish you go around speaking not realising you sound funnier than some local comedians. You could have learned a thing or two about what radical economic transformation really is.

Eintlek, how and when do you even interact with the youth in this province? Or are most of you caught up in factions, focussing on other stuff that has zilch to do with you?

Well, it is none of our business but abo comrade were warned that it is now time to adapt to the Buffalo Time Zone as there is a new sheriff in town. LOL! How sarcastic but straight to the point the man is.

If some of you were offended, nizoba strong just like those ambitious candidates vying for the chairperson position knowing they have zero base in the province. Such ambition though!

Hope you had a great Valentine’s Day and we wish you a blessed weekend. Remember this: Not everything should be referred to as gossip, sometimes it should be considered as sharing opinions on other people’s life choices.

May the force be with you!

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