Our View: Let democracy prevail in the land

It is surprising that while the people of South Africa have been celebrating the demise of president Jacob Zuma in the ANC hierarchy, on the one hand, there are some organisations and structures within the ANC who are demonstrating and saying, "Hands off Zuma!" 

It is frightening also to hear that some elements within the military veterans association, given the current political situation in the country, believe that the leadership of the ANC should always be in the hands of former exiles. That is one of the most despicable things to hear at this time and age.

This undermines the internal struggles by those who never went to exile, but fought the struggle inside the country. This time around, the people have rallied around and demanded change in leadership and an improvement in the economic situation of the country. Unity has been restored even among warring factions within the ANC itself.

If the above were to be true, then does that mean former exiles were like Messiahs who led the people from Egypt to Canaan and all was quiet in the country? Does that mean that the 1976 Soweto uprising and the rent boycotts across the country were orchestrated from outside? The United Democratic Front is now denigrated to nothing but conveyors of structures from exile.

How exciting it is that these elements now see nothing wrong with Zuma continuing to cling to power despite all the allegations and charges against him, Are they telling South Africans he is clinging onto what authentically belongs to him?

Let the truth be told that this country belongs to all who live in it, black and white. If the majority of ANC members decided Zuma and all associated with him cannot rule the ANC, then all he has to do is step down, once and for all.

Let democracy prevail in the land.

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