Through the grapevine

To avoid gossiping about other happy couples at pubs and car washes, we have compiled something for you. Consider it an early Valentine's Day gift from us to you.

Ever heard the proverb, “The bitter heart eats its owner”? Women really do hate each other!

Ladies, it is the month of love and still you show bitterness, jealousy and hatred among yourselves. Are you that bitter that you go to the extent of coming up with your own theories of other people’s relationships?

Ways to deal with jealousy of others’ relationships:

Focus on yourself – Do not be envious of those in love, or anyone for that matter. The best thing about being single is that you get enough time to focus on yourself and future plans. Do not forget that your guy is somewhere out there.
Remember that people are different – Never compare your relationship to others’. You may never know what they are going through even though they may appear as happy as birds
in spring.
Be happy for other couples – Being jealous of others clearly means you want something they have, that you don’t. Do not hate or gossip about another couple because they seem to spend a lot of time with each other. It means a lot to them and never assume there is witchcraft involved in their union.
Stay away from social media – It can either make or break you and the dangerous part is when you start obsessing over other couples on Facebook and Instagram. Do not strain your brain going over their posts and pictures. In any case, not all Insta-couples are happy.

A blessed weekend to you all and remember this: Some people hate you because of the way others love you.

May the force be with you!

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