Editor's note

OUR VIEW: God purposely brought Ramaphosa to power

There is a fresh breeze all over South Africa since Cyril Ramaphosa was elected the new ANC president during the 54th ANC National Conference in December 2017.

People have expressed a glimmer of hope in Ramaphosa and his entire leadership to lead this country out of the junk economic status the country landed in under president Jacob Zuma.

It is very interesting to note the about-turn visible and audible from ANC members who were campaigning on other slates in the run-up to the national conference, but are now singing Ramaphosa’s tune.

I am speaking here of the likes of Nomvula Mokonyane and Bathabile Dlamini, to mention but a few, including the youth league and women’s league who both campaigned for Ramaphosa’s rival, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma for the presidency.

It is good to see the defeated ones rallying behind the victor because that is what we call true democracy – accepting defeat and getting on with the business of the ANC. They will have the opportunity to contest the positions in the national executive committee in the next five years. For now, it is back to the business of correcting all the wrongs in governance and executing policies for the betterment of all citizens in the country as a whole without discriminating across colour lines.

It is good that Ramaphosa enters the space when the ANC has declared 2018 as the year to honour late president Nelson Mandela. They have committed to always remind themselves how Mandela would have loved to see them governing this country in a true spirit of love, peace and unity throughout South Africa.

Ramaphosa was the man destined to be Mandela’s deputy in 1994 only to be beaten to it by Thabo Mbeki. His time has come and God purposely brought Ramaphosa to power to rescue the country from economic, social and political decline.

The ball is in his court to do the right thing together with his entire team of leaders. Let them rid government of corrupt individuals, for goodness’ sake.

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