Keep your eyes healthy

The seventh annual National Eye Health Week will take place from September 18 to 24

The seventh annual National Eye Health Week will take place from September 18 to 24. Once again, eye-care charities, organisations and health professionals are uniting to promote the importance of eye health and the need for regular vision tests for.

This is how you can help keep your eyes healthy:
• Eat foods that are good for your eyes (spinach, eggs, nuts, fish, citrus fruits and pork)

• Make your working environment comfortable

• Wear sunglasses

• Use proper lighting when working
• Take a break and exercise

• Visit an eye-care practitioner regularly
• Take your contacts out at the end of the day
• Remove your eye make-up at the end of the day
• Get plenty of sleep

The eye test will include taking a picture of the back of your eye to help monitor the health of your eye overtime.

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