
Through the grapevine

Winter is finally here and all we can do is thank the Almighty for this season. The Lowveld is a bit cold this year, therefore, let's keep warm and decent this winter.

We are aware of those girls who think they can get and keep men by dressing in skimpy outfits even on the coldest evening. All that self-torture for a bottle of Moët and a platter?

No ladies! It’s not all of you but a few have been spotted at certain places. Shame, isono when they start looking around like lost puppies. Rather stay home, especially when you know you have zilch randellas in your wallet.

Plus you’ll also be safe and sound from those guys who flash their cash around hoping to take more than one girl with them. It is advisable to dress warm and appropriately when you decide to turn up at night and if awunamali, hamba uyolala.

So, last weekend the Sun Riders hosted their rally and it was a success. The venue, line-up and all activities were on point. What was funny was the VIP section was crowded with the men in blue. Yazi these people are funny especially at events because they expect to be prioritised and forget what their purpose is.

Well, we’re not judging the SAPS because it is said journalists also love free things, especially booze. Anyway, whose problem is that? Not ours!  Oh we heard through the grapevine kuthi we have abo Pastor Khathide base Naspoti… mmmmm… let’s leave it right there.  Remember not to let the frost bite you.

May the force be with you!

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