Three beauties compete for the title

Beauty and brains are the uppermost qualities this year's judges of the Crowning Miss Mpumalanga will be looking for.

The beauty pageant will be held at Mbombela Stadium on March 18.

We chatted to three of the Top 12 finalists:
Bethu Ngomane (22) from Nkomazi, Block C. She has completed her BCom in marketing and business management. “I’m a simple, yet intriguing young woman, a woman of integrity, strong morals and a sense of direction. I’m a great believer in the Lord, born again and I love Him so much. I’m ambitious and a dreamer. I know what I want in life and will go and get it. I read, research and write. My aspirations are to own my own publishing company and an advertising agency a few years from now.

Bethu Ngomane (22) from Nkomazi, Block C.


Chriselda Mokoena (20) from KaMagugu, is a student at Monash University South Africa, studying towards a bachelor’s degree in business science (accounting).
“My goal is to qualify as a chartered accountant and become a social entrepreneur. I am a confident young lady, a goal and dream chaser who is always willing to learn. I love travelling, food and poetry. I am passionate about community service, working mostly with young children because they are more vulnerable. “I entered Miss Mpumalanga because I see it as an opportunity to learn, be empowered and grow as a young woman.

Chriselda Mokoena (20) from KaMagugu.

Geraldine Williams (21) from Volksrust. She is a financial accounting student at Rosebank College with an extroverted personality. “I am a family-oriented individual raised by a single mother, from whom I developed the ideals for the two things I am passionate about: education and women empowerment. These are also two of the few reasons that drove me to enter Miss Mpumalanga. I love reading and modelling and take interest in the spoken word, poetry and fashion. “I believe entering Miss Mpumalanga will bring me a few steps closer to achieving my dreams,to inspire, motivate and empower young girls to believe and challenge themselves. As Oprah Winfrey said: ‘You become what you believe.” The ball is in their court, only the best girl wins.

Geraldine Williams (21) from Volksrust.

To vote for one of three to be Miss Photogenic, go to our website:

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