Social media trends

Social media is abuzz with the who's who of the entertainment industry, and just about anything and everything.

This is what trended both locally and nationally this week:

1. Meet the guy who was on Date My Family on Sunday claiming to own apartments in Cape Town but lives in Honeydew. Whooo! The accent ke yona. Where did he get it from? His brother’s children who are supposedly in the UK, through the phone? Talk about a British accent with a curfew. LOL

2. Ncobile Nyarenda’s Minnie inspired 31st birthday party made the rounds. There were surprises in store for the fashionista bandla. Sands, yes that’s his name, kept the crowd entertained with “Tigi Tigi”. Even Khanyi Mbau was there!

Also see: Let’s take a walk down memory lane

3. Minister Bathabile Dlamini’s spokesperson, Lumka Oliphant, apologised on Monday for using offensive language on Facebook, defending the minister on allegations that she was drunk at an event. A wise man once said “Communication is not a job, it is a skill.” We only hope the apology was sincere.

4. So, Brenden Ledwaba from Idols SA fame got married last weekend. What a way to start off the year dude and we must say, your wife is pretty! Jealous down. Mara ke, invitation nyana ke? Anyway, we won’t hold it against you because you preferred a small and intimate ceremony. Congrats!


5. Advocate Thuli Madonsela made it clear that she would like to see South Africa being led by a woman, but not if she’s a proxy. She had so many agreeing with her.

Also see: A Minnie inspired birthday party!


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