Prevention is better than cure

It is said that "prevention is better than cure"

Adam Sibuyi from Bushbuckridge writes:

It is said that “prevention is better than cure”. This proverb means that taking precautionary measures is much better than trying to find solutions to solve a problem that could have been avoided.

This is such a famous proverb and should be a lesson to us all in our daily lives. It teaches us to maintain a healthy, disciplined, and tension-free lifestyle in order to avoid health issues and diseases.
It is easy to follow prevention measures, however, cures on the other hand are sometimes detrimental to our health as there is no surety of complete recovery. It is much simpler for us to try and prevent something from happening rather than trying to solve it once it has already occurred.

It is wise to go to the doctor when we feel ill, but how much better is it when there is no need to go to the doctor all-year round.

However, this is only possible if we take precautions and be safe. Being reckless or negligent may cause illnesses which in turn may be costly to cure and perhaps, even lead to death.
Prevention is better than cure teaches us the importance of taking measures to avoid health issues. There is a need to detect the root cause of problems before starting a cure. This proverb is generally based on the physical and mental health of people.

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