Five tips to sleep better at night

Are you stressed, is it hard to sleep during the night or is your sleep vanishing into thin air? Try out these tips to help you get a good night's rest :


The top five tips to sleep better even when you’re stressed

1.  Establish a sleep schedule
A sleep schedule will help you stay sane and sleep well. All you need to do is got to bed and wake up around the same time most days. Soon enough, your body will get into the perfect rhythm and you’ll be sleeping like a baby! Even on weekends, try not to stay up too late or sleep in.

2.  Make sure your room is the perfect temperature
You want to keep your room cool and dark. Keep the temperature at about 20 degrees for a great night’s rest. Ceiling fans are great for providing a light breeze. If you wake up because you’re too hot or too cold during the night, your body won’t be able to properly relax.

3.  Invest in the right pillow for you
Investing in a top quality pillow is an absolute must! Whether you like a super-soft or sturdy pillow, an organic pillowcase or a silk one, you need to create the most comfortable, cosiest bed that you possibly can. Get some quality pillows, dress your bed in your favourite sheets and spritz some lavender to create the perfect sleep sanctuary.

4.  Create a night time ritual 
Your nighttime ritual is personal. Before going to bed, you may like snuggling with your little one before letting him or her falling asleep, you may enjoy taking a long, hot bath, you may practise yoga or mindfulness or you may simply power off all your electronics. Whatever you choose, just be sure to stick to it every night to get into some sort of a routine, which will improve your sleep patterns.

5.  Snack frequently and cut down on booze
Last but not least, eating snacks or smaller meals more often is recommended. For example, have a healthy dinner and then just before bed, have a small snack like a fruit or yoghurt. Also, try not to drink alcohol before bed – having wine too close to bedtime can rob you of a sound night’s rest!

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