Sweetmike shares his journey to fame

Mpumalanga News caught up with Sweetmike at Ligwalagwala FM studio where he shared his radio journey.

Once upon a time, when working behind the microphone on radio seemed like a glamorous dream for Ligwalagwala’s darling, Sweetmike, he was going on with his daily duties as a stock controller at Game retail shop when suddenly his favourite radio presenter walked in.

Sweetmike swears that day marked the beginning of his radio journey.

He adds that he met Penny Lubisi, the now senior producer at the station and one thing led to another as from that day.

“Penny had been my favourite presenter those days when he used to host shows like Penny Lover and Tikhalela bani, shows which were adored by almost every listener of the station,” Sweetmike said.

Mpumalanga News caught up with the duo in the studio last week and we couldn’t help picking up the brotherhood vibes between them.

“This man right here taught me everything there is to know about radio and I’ll forever be thankful for his selflessness which has carried me to be who I am today,” added Sweetmike.

Relating what happened the day they met, Sweetmike added that he excitedly approached Penny and told him that he looked familiar.

“I had always seen him on calendars and posters, but never met him in person.

When he confirmed that he was who I thought he was, I told him he was my favourite presenter and I asked him if he could be kind enough to teach me the world of radio,” the bubbly presenter said.

“We exchanged phone numbers and the rest is history,” Penny jumped into the conversation. The chatty Sweetmike insisted on furnishing details of the history.

“Penny then literally took me under his wing. I moved in with him in his flat and he would invite me to his late night shows where I learned a great deal of radio presenting,” Sweetmike stated.

Penny then advised him to start small and try community radio, which he did and today he is one of the best presenters at the radio station.

“I owe it all to Penny. He put his job on the line for a stranger. All the training I needed, he patiently gave to me and he has always treated me like his little brother and I’ll forever be grateful.

Another important thing that he learned from Penny, Sweetmike said, is to be a great family man.

“Penny taught me stuff, how to drive and my first Pretoria experience was due to his courtesy, but of all the things I learned from him, teaching me to be a responsible family man stands out,” concluded Sweetmike.

For Penny, he was not doing it for glory but he stated that he was moved by the passion Sweetmike displayed.

“No one is born a star, stars are made and I’m glad that my act of Ubuntu bore such sweet fruits.

Sweetmike is a darling loved by many listeners and that’s all that matters,” added Penny.

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