ANC councillor’s ear cut off during meeting

He told Mpumalanga News that he was recovering well at home after he was discharged from hospital on Tuesday.

KANYAMAZANE – The ANC in the province has strongly condemned the violent and barbaric manner in which some of its members carried themselves during a meeting this weekend.

During this heated meeting an ANC councillor and member of the Mbombela Mayoral Committee, Cllr Bheki Zulu had his ear cut off with a knife. The ANC reacted through its provincial secretary, Mr Mandla Ndlovu who said such acts will not be tolerated in the organisation and that these acts tarnish the image and dignity of this glorious movement.

“We can’t have this kind of behaviour in our meetings. We actually condemn every violent act within our structures. We are known to be a peaceful organisation and it is wise that we should continue to carry ourselves as such.

“It would not be proper to have un-peaceful elements within the organisation. It actually brings shame to the party,” said Ndlovu, “I’m waiting for a full report, but I am told there was a problem where they were electing a new ward councillor in the area.”

Even though Zulu had by yesterday morning (Wednesday), not registered a formal complaint with the police, he exclusively told this paper that he would definitely open a case.

He told Mpumalanga News that he was recovering well at home after he was discharged from hospital on Tuesday. He said he was disappointed and grieved that he was attacked in this fashion, by his own comrades.

Mpumalanga police spokesperson, Brig Selvy Mohlala confirmed on Wednesday that Zulu had not opened a case with the police yet.

“We respect the fact that maybe since it is an internal matter, they want to handle it within their party structures, because we understand that they have their own disciplinary structures.

“Had he been in hospital we would have opened a case on his behalf as per our procedure, but it is now difficult to make him register a case if he doesn’t want to,” said Mohlala.

It is understood that the group that cut Zulu’s ear lost during the nomination processes and resorted to violence. This is not the only area where members resorted to violence after their nominated candidates failed to make the cut, but it has never gone to such lengths.

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