The Doctor releases his 34th album

Doctor Chauke recently made a visit to town and Mpumalanga News was afforded an opportunity to sit down with him for a chat.

The name Dr Thomas Chauke has gone beyond being just a music figure, it has become a brand associated with inspirational messages, unity, and of course, originality.
He has just released his 34th album, titled Xiganga. He recently made a visit to town and Mpumalanga News was afforded an opportunity to sit down with him for a chat.
How did this album come about?
The story behind it is a testimonial. I had just come out of a record label, and I didn’t know what to do. I did all the work, but had no stable to publish it under when God being faithful as He is, Gallo Records approached me with a deal I couldn’t refuse, which made me even happier. I then knew that it was God’s work. The rest is history.
Where do you get the inspiration for your songs?
I don’t sit down and write songs. I just get into the studio and start writing on top of the beat. I get one word for me to focus on as the theme for that particular song, and then I hit the ground running.
Piracy has crippled the music industry, but you seem to be one of the last men standing, your fans would rather wait for an original copy. How do you do that?
When it comes to my music, I notice a different attitude from my fans, they have immense love for me and they support me dearly. I think it’s also because of the message carried through the lyrics, it seems they are happy about that. They always buy original copies; hence they now call themselves #TeamOriginal. They take pride in doing the right thing, and that really encourages me.
With over 30 years in the music industry, you are still able to maintain your pace and the people still love you the same. How do you do that?
I have discovered a secret, once people lose you in the industry, it is hard for you to catch up again as an artist. I am of the idea that as long as I have their love now, I will grab it and run with it.
What does the future hold?
The future is too bright. I think I really need glasses. It doesn’t get better than this.
You do your songs in Xitsonga, but you are loved across cultures. How is that?
It’s beautiful to see people greeting me in isiZulu, siSwati, and all these languages and they tell me how much they love my music. The inspiration and joy from that is just unfathomable. I’m humbled by it.
You recently embarked on a tour, how is that going?
It’s such a beautiful experience. The response I’m getting is overwhelming, from the business fraternity all the way to the fans. They are coming on board for sponsorships and everyone is happy.

We are formally bringing the tour to Mpumalanga very soon. The province better be ready for us, we are all going to have fun while we joyfully interact and celebrate life together.
You have a live DVD recording coming up this year. Will it be the best of Thomas Chauke, or just Xiganga?
We will take a couple of songs from the previous albums, but we will also evaluate how the latest CD is being received by the people. If it proves to be the most loved, we don’t mind doing just those songs.

The recording was scheduled for May, but we decided we just want to give life to the CD and see how well it does. There is no specific date yet, but it’s later in the year. It will most probably be at Carnival City, but we will evaluate the space to see if it won’t be small.
You have been around for a very long time, and you have a huge family, but you are able to manage it. We have not heard any scandals or squabbles from you and your family, your children are educated. How do you maintain discipline in your family?
I love mine. Every time when I pray, I ask for God to keep the family that He gave me. I don’t like hearing negative stories and I don’t ever want to see myself going through divorce.

Of course we do have misunderstandings, but it’s something that should be managed and kept within, a man is supposed to have good management of his family. There’s no magic, it’s just good family management.
It is February, the month of love. How would you advise young couples going through a difficult time?
When two people are together, they should remember why they came together in the first place. A person should not let one single wrong bury all the rights the other person has done. Patience really is a virtue, you don’t rush to leave because of a single misunderstanding.

Even the Bible says a man can only leave a wife when she has cheated, it means anything else can be dealt with. Let people continue building relations, focus on the positive things all the time.
Are you ready for the live recording?
More than ready! Ku ta va ku ciniwa ngopfu, masenge ma ha pfumela.
More details about Dr Thomas Chauke’s tour and live recording will be communicated as they are made available. Mpumalanga News is giving away five copies of his latest album.
To enter, simply tell us what the tittle of the album is. Email your answer to


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