
#FindJohn taking social media by storm

"This is now my way of creating a space of demand for my single and giving it the hype before releasing it, and trying to find him at the same time.”

Social media is inundated with the #FindJohn hashtag, and it’s making waves. Gordon Nkosi, aka Gordio G-Cover from Tonga in Nkomazi, will be releasing his single soon.

Titled ‘Find John’, the single comes after claims he made that AKA used his beat on “Composure” without his concern, and the mediator was a man named John.

“I will be releasing the single soon; actually, it will be released in March. The song is inspired by the man who cheated me into believing that he works with AKA, I had a verbal agreement with him and he has since disappeared.

“This is now my way of creating a space of demand for my single and giving it the hype before releasing it, and trying to find him at the same time,” said G-Cover.

The quest to find John seems to have been joined by a number of people on social media, for which G-Cover says he is grateful.

“Some people know the story behind the song title, and some don’t. I am however grateful for the support. The song will be available for download soon.”

You can also be part of this trend by posting your #FindJohn picture under the hashtag.

Also read: Local hip-hop artist says AKA used his beat.


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