SOPA Fashion Trends: The Yays and Nays

It must also be noted with regret that we’ve searched for the honourable Ms Jeanet Ngonzweni’s picture just to check whether she had toned down her make-up on the day.

It’s that time of the year again when we have to sit through one of the longest and most important speeches of the year – the State of the Province Address (Sopa).

It’s safe to say that this is one of Mpumalanga’s dressing up events as far as politicians and socialites are concerned. Everyone clearly aims to dress to kill with their A-game on, but it’s unfortunate that some people leave us with more questions than answers.

While we acknowledge that some of our politicians are on the right track, we also notice that the fish indeed rots from the head for some. We want to call out a few people who impressed us during last year’s Sopa, and those who had us wondering what happened.

It must also be noted with regret that we’ve searched for the honourable Ms Jeanet Ngonzweni’s picture just to check whether she had toned down her make-up on the day. The search, however, turned out to be in vain. But we do hope that her make-up will not be overwhelming on Friday.


Ms Nomvula Nkosi.

While we understand that everyone strives to stand out, we can assure Ms Nkosi that wearing a parachute is no way of doing it.


MEC Ms Nomsa Mtshweni and a partner.

At some point in our lives, we all have to get over the excitement of decorating the Christmas tree. That hat must be heavy.


Premier David Mabuza and Speaker, Ms Thandi Shongwe.

While Mr Premier is always on point, the Speaker needs to stop wearing unfinished outfits. This looks like the tailor was behind schedule and Ms Shongwe was not ready to back down. That dress had to be worn. We can only hope that tomorrow’s dress is almost ready by now.


Good-looking gentlemen and a lady.

The gentlemen look proper, but we are not sure what to make of the lady’s outfit. What’s going on?


The couple.

Matching outfits are not the problem, how you match them is however, a great deal. We hope not to see this tomorrow.


Nkomazi MMC.



DA Leader, Ms Jane Sithole and Mr Anthony Benadie.

Simple and smart. This is how you keep it simple on the red carpet.


ANCYL leader, Mr Desmond Moela and Ms Sasekani Manzini.

Looking great Mr Deputy President, as for the honourable Sasekani, it’s time to represent the youth even in the fashion industry. We are waiting.


Curtains! We had curtains last year!


Mr and Mrs Robert Gumede.

Sass! #CoupleGoals


Ms Candith Mashego and a partner.

But the two-peace trend really has to fall.


Ms Dudu Manana.

Where do people buy these curtains from?


Ms Reginah Mhaule and a partner.

The dots… the hat… there’s something going on here, something we are not sure of, but we know that it’s wrong.


EFF leader, Mr Collen Sedibe with a partner.

It’s about time the EFF stopped hiding behind the red regalia. We get the picture already, come out and show us what you’re made of when it comes to style. Give us something to work on.


Former Miss Mpumalanga, Natasha Dos Santos.

This shiny green dress with no detail is a let-down to the Miss Mpumalanga tittle. Or maybe it’s another case of an unfinished product? You never know!


Rev Mxolisi Luphoko and Mother O.

Could this be a duvet? Did we move from the curtains?


Unknown Gentleman.

This gentleman is on point, everything about him is key. Wait… why is he alone?


MEC Gillion Mashego.

Not too bad Mr MEC, but why the sad look? Not enough neurosurgeons in the province?


MEC Vusi Shongwe and a partner.



Ms Daphney Makhubela and a partner.

Too much colour, we are reminded of our cousins from space. Try and keep it simple, ladies.


Ms Violet Siwela and her daughter.

Again, the two-piece trends that have to fall. We know that the shoes are not in the picture, but we can confirm that it was not skewed wedges, not this time.


MEC Dum’sile Nhlengethwa and a partner.

She’s definitely a fan of ColdPlay’s Yellow. Now we know your favorite band, mam’ Nhlengethwa.


Bushbuckridge Exec Mayor, Mr Ranius Khumalo.

Size does count Mr Mayor, true story.


Ms Patricia Ngobeni and a partner.

Those stalkings are disturbing. The hat looks lost, no, wait! Everything is just wrong here.


Nkomazi Exec Mayor, Ms Thulisile Khoza, and a partner.

Loyalty to your party is pivotal, Ms Mayor. But this was supposed to be a red carpet moment… you know… cameras, lights and all? The ANC curtains don’t work.


MEC Ms Norah Mahlangu-Mabena.

We are closing it off with the MEC that’s always on fleek. Please distribute your business cards after tomorrow’s Sopa? Your colleagues need you to assist them in the fashion department. Look at the fleekness!


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