Weekend Lifestylez to take the city by storm

The entertainment scene in the province has evidently picked up, and the level of class is surely something commendable.

Presented by RISE fm’s breakfast host, Bonginkosi Zulu, affectionately known as TheBigZill Onair, Weekend Lifestylez is yet another spectacular to hit Mbombela so hard, it will feel good.

Taribo Lifestyle will have its share of fun and class this Saturday, as this spectacular event will be hosted there.

“Our city is short of major events with a touch of flare and class, this is one which will cater for all of that. Dressing up is key for Weekend Lifestylez, if you are not a fan of looking good, rather stay at home.

We are giving the platform to the men who love dressing up, and the women who take pride in rocking those high heels, like it’s the only thing they know how to do,” said TheBigZill.

According to TheBigZill, the idea is to spearhead local DJs and have people from different provinces and countries flocking down to Mbombela, for a weekend of fun.

“We already have people from Gauteng who have booked for the one in Taribo, the plan is to have these events as a tourist attraction. We are looking to host two more just before the end of this year. These are just activations, the main plan is to have four of them before the end of the year,” he added.

Local acts on the day will include DJ Zako Sandy, Afrotellus, DJ Kleinkie, and T Boy from Ligwalagwala FM as MC. R50 lets you in, and the festivities kick off at 12:00 in the afternoon.

“e also encourage people to instagram, tweet, and Facebook pictures of their looks. They should use the hashtag #WeekendLifestylez, let’s get it trending,” he concluded.

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