Ways to avoid flu this winter

Winter has it's pros and cons. One of the cons is flu, but it shouldn't take all your winter joy away.

Don’t we just love winter! The season where we get to cover up and enjoy family time on the couch over steamy coffees and hot chocolates. But winter has it’s pros and cons. One of the cons is flu, but it shouldn’t take all your winter joy away, since there’s something you can do about it.

Here, we look at some ways you can minimise your risk of catching colds and flu.

Keep warm

Remember how your gran used to nag you about keeping your jersey on! Well, she was only looking out for you. Keeping warm can help you avoid coughs, colds and flu. According to medical experts, shivering depresses the immune system and this makes us more likely to catch colds.

Wash your hands

Washing hands often – and drying them on disposable paper towels (or laundering hand towels regularly) – can significantly reduce the chances of catching viruses, especially the rotavirus, which tends to infect children and causes vomiting and diarrhoea.

Drink plenty

If you have a cold, being dehydrated makes your mucus drier and thicker and less able to cope against invading bacteria and viruses. If you’ve already caught a cold, drinking plenty of fluids will help flush out the infection.

Take vitamins

Taking a daily multivitamin is especially important in the winter when we may be less likely to be eating enough fresh fruit and vegetables, and are also more at risk from infection

Take a bite of Garlic regularly

Garlic helps ease chest complaints, and small amounts taken daily may also reduce the frequency of colds and flu.

Credit: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-86521/Ten-ways-avoid-colds-flu-winter.html

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