
Church celebrates Youth Day with elegance

House of Grace International Ministries will be hosting the dawning of a new day conference from the 13th to the 16th of June.

MBOMBELA-In celebration of Youth Month, House of Grace International Ministries, through its exclusive forum for young adults called Leadership International, will be hosting the dawning of a new day conference under the theme ‘Maximizing Your Potential Through Christ’.

According to the Ministry, the dynamic conference, which is targeting young professionals, tertiary level students and young adults in general, will take place from June 13-16 at the House of Grace Auditorium, situated at the SABC Alroe Park centre in Mbombela.
“Entrance is free and the services will start at 17:00. Smart casual will be the dress code for the weekend,” said Delight Mondlane of the House of Grace International Ministries.

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