Great prizes up for grabs at concert

There will not only be great entertainment, good food and friends at the SAPPI/Lowvelder Mother's Day concert, but also lots of prizes to be won.

NELSPRUIT – What could be better than spoiling Mom with a glass of wine and a picnic basket, while she watches well-known artists perform? This year it’ll be easy to do at the Sappi/Lowvelder Mother’s Day Concert on May 11.

It will be held at the Lowveld National Botanical Garden and gates will open at 09:00. You can look for a shady spot and grab a bite to eat before the entertainment starts at 12:15. The line-up consists of Nianell, Forté and Thean Kotzé.

You can choose to take a guided tour of the garden or a wine tasting at the fully-stocked beverage bar of a well-known cellar. With a kiddies corner, children won’t be bored. They can play on jumping castles (surpervised, of course), play giant board games or get an airbrush tattoo. Arts and crafts will consist of activities such as decorating cupcakes and beading.

Entry is free for all women and preschoolers and pensioners. Primary schoolchildren pay R20 and adults (and everyone not named) pay R60. The first 500 moms to enter the venue will each receive a lovingly crafted pashmina scarf.

There will also be great prizes to win during a lucky draw. For now, remember to vote for your favourite entry in the Lowvelder and Riverside Mall “Keep calm and call mom” photo competition. Like your favourite on Lowvelder’s Facebook page before Sunday, May 4, at midnight.

Every vote is an entry into a lucky draw. The winner will receive a VIP picnic basket worth R800.

Winners will be contacted next week. View terms and conditions here.

The 10 finalists will be invited to the concert, where the winner will be announced. The grand prize is a makeover for mother and daughter (or Mom’s friend), gift cards and other treats. Finalists stand a chance to win a Hannon Bothma hamper and Mother’s Day buffet vouchers from Southern Sun Emnotweni Hotel and other goodies.

Keep reading each issue of Lowvelder for more information.

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