Sangoma takes pride in her herbal remedies

I wish to instil believe and eradicate the stigma caused by human mutilations

PRAKTISEER – Well-known sangoma and traditional healer Ennica Mkhondo says her medicines can heal high blood sugar, diabetes and even fight the HIV/Aids scourge.

Mkhondo has a variety of remedies which are made from herbs. Local sangomas/diviners, traditional surgeons, herbalists, faith healers, traditional birth attendants and medical doctors visit her to buy the medicines.

She has her own garden where she ploughs her herbs, “Green plants refreshes the blood and promotes a strong and healthy body. I have traditional herbs like Moringa, lemon grass and aloe in my garden – I make cough medicines, body lotions and other products that you get at pharmacies.

Mkhondo says unlike other sangomas, she treats her patients with dignity and respect.

“I know some sangomas have a tendency to abuse their charismatic power over their patients by sexually assaulting them, and at times using one razor blade for making incisions for muti. They need to know that it’s risky as patients will easily get diseases. “I have attended workshops that taught me on ways to treat patients and on dealing with the pressures of working with traditional medicines.

“I am passionate about preserving our proud tradition of healing and African culture. I intend to promote and protect African traditional healing as a holistic health-care practice.

“There is also a lot of scepticism about being a sangoma or inyanga nowadays. I wish to instil beliefs in other traditional healers and eradicate the stigma caused by human mutilations,” said Mkhondo.

She says for her to become a traditional healer was a calling from her ancestors. “This is not an easy practice. You don’t just wake up and decide to be a sangoma. It’s a gift from the forefathers, which you have to bolster by ukuthwasa (the process that one undergoes in order to become a sangoma).”

Mkhondo has been a sangoma since 1994 and has healed thousands. “I call myself a traditional pharmacist. I create my own medicines with herbs and it heals coughs, sugar diabetes, tuberculosis, sexual transmitted diseases and more,” she concluded.

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