Editor's note

Editors views on issues affecting the public

I must admit that I am very disappointed at what is happening at Thaba Chweu local municipality in that they have still failed to pay their electricity to Eskom, and lately, taps are siad to be running dry which will affect moe than 37 000 people in the community. Surely, we’ve heard on numerous occasions …

I must admit that I am very disappointed at what is happening at Thaba Chweu local municipality in that they have still failed to pay their electricity to Eskom, and lately, taps are siad to be running dry which will affect moe than 37 000 people in the community.

Surely, we’ve heard on numerous occasions that a task team has been seconded to the municipality to put things right. Up to now, things seem to be getting worse by the day. If a community will run ouf water supply, which is a basic need of society, how do they expect them to survive without water.

I’ve also heard that the task team will table its reovery plan at the end of November this year. If they’re still concocting plans, why can’t they, in the meanwhile, resolve the water issue and electricity as a matter of urgency? If the provincial government has intervened, we need change and change must really come fast, lest we’ll witness great suffering of the said community.

It was also announced that the Rand Water Board has been tasked with resolving water issues in the entire province. Why can’t we see results at this juncture because that takes a huge budget to tackle? What happened to the Bushbuckridge Water board which had been earlier tasked with resolving water issues in the region?

What happened to the millions of rand that were allocated to it, in that we’re still crying out for adequate water supply? Something is not right here. Where is MEGA’s intervention in this scenario as it was announced during the state of the province address, that they would also be undertaking to resolve water issues in the province?

I think, somehow, the task has been given to the wrong people because as can be deduced from their mandate, it is economic growth that they should be concentrating on rather than water supply.

we need really capacitiated people to handle water issues and if it has to be done, it should be done right now before a lot of people suffer.

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