
Offenders championship held in Tshwane

Offenders in the country enjoyed a fun filled day competing in different sporting activities.

Offenders in the country enjoyed a funfilled day today while competing for their 2014 Football, Rugby and Netball “World Cup” Championships for offenders tomorrow (23rd and 24th July 2014) at the Tshwane University of Technology main campus (Pretoria West).

The games will see 600 inmates (male and female), from correctional centres across the country competing for the best team, and individual players, in all three sporting codes.

“Offender’s football teams have adopted various popular international team names in a quest to create their own 2014 “Brazilian” mood, and moment, as some of them believe that they are world-class soccer players who can even compete at the actual World Cup Championships,” states Manelisi Wolela from the department of correctional services.

He said the offender championships will commence with a round robin on the first day (23rd July), and teams that make it through will compete in the finals on the second day (24th July) when a prize-giving ceremony will be held.

“The event forms part of the special programmes that DCS has in place not only for rehabilitation purposes, but also as a weapon to destroy crime, lawlessness and drug abuse,” continued Wolela.

He added that through such programmes, DCS aims to encourage, and motivate, offenders to make good use of their time, and talents, while incarcerated and to transform themselves into individuals who will emerge, upon release, to make a positive contribution to society.

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