“Life’s a Rage.”

Listening to a discussion on 'road rage' the other morning not only reminded me how completely intolerant motorists are to one another, it also reminded me of all the other rages that constantly bug our lives these days.

Listening to a discussion on ‘road rage’ the other morning not only reminded me how completely intolerant motorists are to one another, it also reminded me of all the other rages that constantly bug our lives these days.

It’s no use pretending, whenever I enter a Bank my pulse rate climbs, the palms of my hands sweat, and after half an hour in the queue, I definitely want to murder someone. Usually it’s the guy ahead of me who`s business takes an age to complete and my parking meter is about to expire.

Keeping ones feelings to themselves takes some doing at the Super Market too, but at least I have the Missus to calm me down..

Why don`t those bar code detectors ever work? As for cheques, doesn`t anyone use money anymore? Fighting my way through the dozens of packers who are always where you need to be…. I feel a rage coming on!

“Suck a Rennie,” whispers the Missus. “It will soothe that ulcer of yours.”

“Rennie? Lord, I need something a lot stronger than that.”

“Oh no! Now what`s happened!” gasps the Missus.

“Her flaming credit card is stuck in the machine!”

“Let`s go to another till.”

“There isn`t one.”

Of course, an old codger like me should be able to handle these little inconveniences, but I can`t, and neither can anyone else, it seems.

Is it any wonder then, that the crime rate in South Africa is so high, when the population gets completely stressed out doing a spot of shopping?

I sincerely believe that road rage is here to stay at least until our form of transport is steered by `auto-pilot’ or some such device. Then we can sit back and enjoy the ride, and get off at our destination refreshed and relaxed!

Don`t ask me when that will be, `cos I won`t be here. It`s still a pleasant thought tho’. Meanwhile, do what I do when you`re hung up in traffic. Let the Missus drive!


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