With faith nothing is impossible – Bishop Mduduzi Khoza writes

Usually life doesn’t give us what we want. On the other hand, some get what is available while others get what they can afford.

Living, winning, rising and getting are not easy to achieve. You need to be resilient, persistent and most critically, have faith.

Faith just as it is, an essential prerequisite for achieving near-miracles, miracles and the impossible, is very central to effective transactions of the issues of life in general.

Hebrews 11:1-6 offers a definition or rather the work or function of faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.

Without faith no one can achieve their goals. We keep the faith in spite of our situations and circumstances. And if we are to break limitations, raise the bar and stretch ourselves towards greater things, we must learn to have and keep faith.

One writer says, “Faith is acting like it is so even if it is not so until it becomes so because God said it is so.” When your claim looks so much a lie when contrasted with reality and yet the “believer” holds on until the lie turns to be truth, then you must know that is faith.

Faith says I am somewhere in the future and I look a lot better than I look right now. If you can imagine it, think of it and see it then you can see it and if you can see then you can have it.

Faith sees, faith says and faith does. Do you see any man who fought and changed his life and that of his family? That man is a faithful giant and a risk taker.

With faith nothing is impossible Some people are born in greatness while others work and walk their way into greatness.

If you are destined for greatness in this life, then you better embrace faith because faith knows no locked doors, sees nothing impossible and faith always believes and achieves.

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