
Here is how to win you loved ones back

Prudence Lephoto writes an open letter to women on how to win their loved ones back.

Happy Valentine’s month to all women out there, ngicela kuhleba nabo housewife nganawu mutsi lomnandzi lotsandvwa Bobabe.

Edali kutsi awusebenti akusho kutsi tikhohlwe. Geza mntase nasewucedze misebenti yakho utililungise ube muhle.
Ungalali lilanga lonke ngoba utsi ubhorekile; ingcondvo iyaginyeka bo. Fundza ma magazine especially lacondzene nabo make. Uwatsandze nje kakhulu especially lawa lacondzene nebuhle ingani kungenteka letinye tinto titakudlula ungaboni kutsi sebahamba kuphi labanye bomake.

Phela Bobabe bayatitsandza tintfo letihle ukhumbule basebenta nabo sesi lebagezako batilungisa nakusile bese kuba khona kudideka nyana nakafika endlini solo wakushiya ku pyjama le pink nelikheza enhloko nakabuya sewuadda mkuma kule pyjama u busy ngemabhodo solo awukagezi kantsi le e boardroom chairperson waleyo meeting was a woman who knows her story lophindze wamgadlabeta ngemsebenti.
Mntaka Dad it’s not about how the other woman’s education, but the spirit that she has. You can also do something about your life, but start with taking a bath, geza ube muhle.

Nakafika hubby akuthole u sexy man aze abe ne jealous acabange kutsi bewungekho kantsi cha. Remember you are not a maid. You are his wife, the one he chose amongst others. Do not make him regret his choices.
If there is enough income endlini seduce him nikhulumisane and register for a short course.

Think of what you good at in terms of businesswise and see if that business is marketable.
I’m sure your hubby won’t mind to support his queen. Stress sokungasebenti kani awugezi siyabenta labanye bomake ba complain about everything on their hubbies. Men are usually turned off by such.

Even if abuye later than the usual time, still be that be loving and sexy wife, submit more and keep supporting him emotional believe me nanome sekalingekile utotikhuta.

Yekela ma washing nema spring cleaning ngema holiday babe nakakhona. Yisa bantwana kagogo.
Do what you used to do with him nisajola. Bring the spark back, I’m telling you he will close his phone and not drive his mistress out to KNP but he will take his wife to a restaurant at the airport just for fun ngani you are the best wife.

Makhwapheni kusasa bayomtjela kutsi there was a family crisis. Can you imagine the pain to that girl who went overboard for your hubby for nothing? What a waste. Snap out of it mntaka Ma it’s never too late to keep the candle burning in your marriage.

The question is are you up for it? You are allowed to invite your hubby to a restaurant for lunch. Ave nje nge sms (Honey meet me at what what lodge for lunch.You know what I mean. Nakafika lapho akuthole uhot mntase ngani uyakunika imali. Pay for the lunch.
Indvodza iyasendelwa ma naughty smses by their wifes bo gal……eeeeee nakatsi ufika e office alandzelwe yisms lemnandzi.
I like the name BITCH, it only depends how u describe it.
My advice is be your own husband’s Bitch.
B stands for BEAUTIFUL, you are beautiful to him, that is why he chose you.
I stands for INTELLIGENT, you are intelligent, that is why he seeks your advice.
T stands for TITANIUM, stay calm and continue to be submissive.
C stands for CHARISMATIC, that is why when he closes his eyes wherever he is. He sees your smile and misses your sense of humour.
H stands for HARMONIOUS, that is why angalahleki nge ma Friday because there is peace and happiness at home. He’ll rather rush home to cuddle than being drained by bomakhwapheni.

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