Through the grapevine

But we want to know how they expected us to wait for such a long time for artists who people had come to watch? Mind you, people paid for tickets.

Interesting times and people in Mbombela! So, the Mbombela Jazz Festival was hosted last weekend, and the less said about it, the better.

But we want to know how they expected us to wait for such a long time for artists who people had come to watch?

Mind you, people paid for tickets. What is unfair is that some of our local artists, who would have wowed the crowd, were not booked for the festival. However, this is Naspoti, where jealousy and greed dominate.

Reshen and others, we know you would have brought that venue down, kodwa ke…
Oh, by the way, we heard it through the grapevine that Celani Dube was yapping about how irrelevant the festival is, referring to it as a “Kwai-Jazz Festival.”

We kinda sensed an element of bitterness and jealousy. Word of advice to you, bhuti, be careful of what you say, how you say it and who you say it to. These things come back to us all.

Remember, you are launching your event this week. Get the drift? Surely you do.
In other news, we were asked by one of our readers to address this issue of checking in by our fellow friends on social media. Mbuso Thumbathi, we are told you check in at Elawini, which is supposedly your place of residence, and at Curro. Hahahahahaha! Haaai we never said a thing, but seemingly people are interested to know.
Don’t get this twisted, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with checking in, but some take it way too far, especially when you know you’ve been rubbing people the wrong way. Anyway, that’s none of our business or anybody else’s for that matter. Have an awesome weekend. We’re looking forward to a whole lot of drama this spring/summer.
May the force be with you!

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