
Through the grapevine

Want to know what’s happening in and around the city of Mbombela? Here’s your weekly dose of the latest gossip.

So last week after telling the truth, we were labelled unprofessional, lazy journalists who love freebies and blah blah blah… Guess what? We are left unshaken and we still stand by the fact that we will not report on what appeals to those who think the sun rises and sets wherever they want. Never!

Ancyl’s provincial general council had humorous moments. What a Saturday! The way these guys speak cracks the laughter out of many. Imagine even after hours uzova, “Comrade, we are mandated to embark to that seat and indulge in a revolutionary drink while we find ways to challenge the status quo of the leadership.” The jargon! Hawu ngeke ulunge sbali.

We understand some of you want to raise valid points while you at it, but please make sense because we do not think in the same capacity. Oh, by the way, we do like the way most of them dress, but haai when in their ANC gear, they think #theyhavemadeitinlife. Please don’t get mad, we’re just saying nje.

A friendly reminder, do practise what you preach. When other children are speaking, do listen and pay attention. He is still the deputy president as chosen by you. So why mumble in your little corners? No! Your party has put a lot of emphasis on strengthening unity, but you are doing the total opposite. Comrades, respect your leadership.

It’s party time this weekend and all roads lead to Mbombela Stadium for the sold-out Miss Mpumalanga 2017. Mawungena ticket, hamba uyolala.

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