
Belly Critic

In their first-ever season in the NFD last year, United made a positive impact as did Spurs. Hopefully both teams will continue to do so this coming season.

The moment Mbombela United and Witbank Spurs players step onto the pitch during the National First Division (NFD) League kick-off towards the end of August, they must know that they will be carrying with them the hopes of many soccer lovers and aspirant young footballers in the province.

Tingwenyama, as United are affectionately known, will kick-start their second season in the NFD with an away trip to Cape Town where they will face Santos FC at Parow Park on August 27.

Coincidentally, Siyavutha (Witbank Spurs) will also begin their 11th season in the NFD with an away trip to Cape Town where they will square off against Milano United at Bluedowns Stadium on August 28.

In their first-ever season in the NFD last year, United made a positive impact as did Spurs. Hopefully both teams will continue to do so this coming season.

These two sides are our badges of honour and the players and management must know that as the season begins, the time has come for the province to produce our “own” professional team once again.

To the players, we are saying go out there and do what you do best. You are the last ones. We don’t have any other hope.

Our province is blessed with raw soccer talent. A promotion to the land of milk and honey – the Premier Soccer League – will greatly impact the development of soccer in this province.

Young boys and sport enthusiasts in local villages and townships would be inspired and hawkers would also benefit by selling their goodies during match days.

A team playing football at top level is desperately needed in the province. Sport enthusiasts, especially soccer lovers in the province must rally behind these two teams by packing the stadiums to capacity every time they play at home.

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