
BLOG: Pregnancy is a sign of trust from God

People say pregnant women are brave, because they carry evidence of having unprotected sex all around. Well, I say we are blessed; it’s not every day when you walk around with two heartbeats inside you.

After such a long time this blog hasn’t been updated, I’ve had some time to make certain decisions about my precious life, like how I will no longer complain about all the pregnancy setbacks.

I have since decided that I am going to embrace the whole journey, ready myself to being someone’s mother. The idea of that just sounds soothing.

After all the swollen feet, always feeling tired and unending nausea, I will have someone to call my own.

For the first time in my life, there will be someone who looks at me and thinks I know everything, it sounds like a challenge, but a beautiful one. At this point in time, I’m thinking about everything else that comes with expecting a human being that will fully belong to me.

I don’t think anyone knows the excitements that come with the thought of preparing the nursery. I get to decide the colors and all the accessories that should be in there, why? Because it’s MY baby.

I’m also thrilled by the idea of naming the baby. Oh my goodness! I don’t think there’s anything as fulfilling, everyday throughout this pregnancy is a reminder of how much God trusts me.

Well, it’s enough for him to give me a human being that will be fully dependent on me. I feel all grown up now.

Having someone somersaulting and kicking inside you is just miraculous. I can’t even begin to imagine the beauty of that feeling, the random kicks that will have you jumping sometimes.

Was this God’s way of rewarding women for being such remarkable being here on earth? I feel for men, they will never know how fulfilling it is to carry a life.

People say pregnant women are brave, because they carry evidence of having unprotected sex all around. Well, I say we are blessed; it’s not every day when you walk around with two heartbeats inside you.

I went to the doctor for my regular visit the other day, and my baby gave me a tongue out. For real though, I was so surprised. I went for another one recently, and there he was, sucking his thumb and looking all relaxed.

I could hear him say “mom come on! Get it over and done with so I can get back to my privacy.” I think I’m going to give birth to myself, I’m just not sure if I should be excited or worried.

There are those days when you wish pregnancy lasted for a little bit longer, because it’s that magical. A photoshoot is an ideal way of capturing all of these moments, because they are so precious they have to be documented. I’m definitely booking myself for one very soon.

I’m at a point where I talk to my baby and I can feel him responding to whatever I say, cutest thing ever. Sometimes it makes me laugh, one would swear I’m talking to somebody I see, I guess that’s what is meant by the term ‘true love’.

I’m halfway to discovering the real meaning of true love, and I can’t wait to hold him for the first time in my arms and just gaze at him.
I must also say, I’m equally excited by the fact that I’m going to be someone’s boss. Yup! I’ll tell him to do things and he’ll hold my opinion very highly, at least to a certain age. That should be enough.

I was advised to play classical music for him during what I call our ‘meet and greet’ sessions, I still don’t know why I call it that. But I like it that way.

The next mission is to get a collection of classic music and Beats by Dre, he must learn quality at a very young age. Oh and I’m also still searching for personalized pacifiers, don’t ask me why, I just think it’s fascinating.

See you next week!

Also Read: Pregnancy is more interesting in the black culture.

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