Pregnancy is more interesting in the black culture

Many a times when the weather is chilly, I usually feel hot, apparently it’s normal. But I must wear something because the cold will affect me when I put to bed, again, labor stories.

It’s been two weeks since this blog has been updated, but it can be justified and blamed on the hormones. I have since realized that my life is now unpredictable and full of surprises, one minute you are fine, the next, you are seeing the light.

My stay at home during the sick leave made me realize one thing though; pregnancy in the black community is very interesting in so many ways.

For one, all the people I hadn’t seen for a long time were surprised to see that I’m pregnant, which is not really the buffling matter. I was interested in the fact that they all said one thing to me…”Oh, se ungugogo.” Meaning I’m now a granny. At first it made me laugh, really hard. But I was later concerned.

Why is it that you are referred to as a gogo when you are pregnant? I guess it’s our way of staying unique.

My attention was also caught by the caution I received from a number of people about cold water and ice. I took it as a myth at first, but it immediately hit me that it could really be a fact when over three people attested that it happened to them.

Apparently eating ice and taking a lot of cold water will result in you having a nightmarish labor when you put to bed. I was told that it causes you to feel so much cold that you shake uncontrollably, I don’t want to go through that, and I love cold water.

This one lady told me that she could not hold her newborn and kept asking for more blankets, but nothing seemed to calm her body down, the most frightening thing is that her baby was also involved in the shaking game. Wow!

I should also say that hearing labor stories is the one thing that really freaks me out at this stage, I mean… It’s like death, I can’t escape it now. It’s a path I have to travel, terrifying as it is, actually, I’m not even too sure if I want to write about it, I’ll just stop.

Many a times when the weather is chilly, I usually feel hot, apparently it’s normal. But I must wear something because the cold will affect me when I put to bed, again, labor stories.

Terrifying ones! I guess everything comes to that point now. How is it that I feel hot, but I have to wear warm clothes because it’s chilly? Does the cold hide somewhere in the body and manifest on D-Day like a ghost? Why does everything have to be so strange with pregnancy?

I guess it’s true what they say, it’s really a wonder.

My doctor told me I walk too much and had to rest, I’m also often told that I should not be lazy, I should exercise so that the baby will be active. Uhm, what exactly do I do? I don’t want a lazy baby, but I also don’t want to go against the doctor’s orders.

I guess that’s the one thing all first timers have in common, not knowing who to listen to. The trickiest thing is that you don’t want to do anything wrong at this point, everyone wants a healthy baby, but it’s hard and confusing choosing the path to that.

It’s also funny how some people in the black community believe that the gender of the baby and how far the pregnancy is should be kept a secret. I still don’t understand why, those things are too exciting to keep under wraps.

You just want to shout it out and share your excitement. I would not even begin talking about naming the baby and buying the clothes here, maybe on my next blog.

Be that as it may, here’s one thing we all agree on though, pregnancy is an exciting journey. I mean, I can’t wait to hold my baby as it is. Anyway, we continue next week!


Also Read: I get scared of superstitions sometimes – BLOG

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