
BLOG: Pregnancy Highs and Lows for first-timers

Sometimes I wonder why this baby is savage, like, why do you have to put me through so much?

It’s true what they say about pregnancy, a week is enough to make an enormous difference in the baby’s and the mother’s body.

I can now attest to that. After having to adjust to morning sicknesses in all its splendour, one would think that this is it. No one will ever get you ready enough for all the drama ahead.

I recently read an article about the weird things happening while the baby is in the womb, which is what I find myself reading lately. It seems all my very interesting books had to take the back-seat for baby stuff. I read that babies cry in the womb, not because they are upset, but because they are “practising”.

Wow! How interesting. Maybe this means that everything I’m going through now is intentional, according to the person growing inside me. The swollen feet, you would swear my feet are now the same as elastic gloves filled with air. I can’t even wear my high heels anymore, but why? I love my high heels.

Also, why am I suddenly burping like I’m summoning my ancestors? BoMshengu, Tshabalala, Dvonga lwaMavuso. I’m even scared of burping in public because it’s gross, apparently I burp like it hurts and no, it doesn’t.

Pregnancy will have you thinking about a lot of things, but you are not supposed to think a lot, because it’s not good for you. Where is the balance? On life support I guess, the same place as chill, during this wonderful journey.

I’ve always had short hair, but I recently made the brave decision to join millions of women on their journey to keeping up with good hair, wearing weaves and all. Yes, I bought that Brazilian hairpiece, even though I thought it was expensive.

It turns out Baby doesn’t like hair on mommy, at all. I had to immediately cut my hair very short, because I found it stinking and suffocating. Oh, my precious hair.

Oh and Baby made it clear also that he/she doesn’t like crowded places. Wow! Did you know that your mother is a journalist? I guess you don’t really care. Well, now it’s clear. One of the major and baffling changes I had to go through was the kind of water I had to drink.

Drinking tap water did to my nausea what gasoline would do on fire, it just fuelled it up like crazy. As if that was not enough, I had to take one brand of still water as well, Bonaqua Pump. Aquelle was the only exception if I couldn’t find my beloved Bonaqua, emphasis to PUMP.

I had to sit my baby down and explain that I’m a Journalist, and still water every day is just going to be expensive for us. I asked for an exception, I’m still waiting for the response, the conditions to the water remain the same during the waiting period.

Sometimes I wonder why this baby is savage, like, why do you have to put me through so much? Are you even going to remember any of this when you are born? Anyway, my mother said I should always keep a happy environment, in this ‘condition’ I’m in.

Wait… why is it a condition? I really don’t know. But I know that it has to be enjoyed and made the best of, even when Baby is being savage.

We will soon be discussing the sudden change of treatment from siblings to friends and colleagues, and all the great things that come with pregnancy.

One thing remains though, it’s such a beautiful thing for one to go through.

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