
BLOG: The highs and lows of pregnancy for first timers

Taxi rides are the worst, people rock their perfumes and all. Cheap perfumes are the worst, they have a sharp scent that just makes you want to die right away.

It has always been a story to me, one that is different from the other. I must also admit that it has always been an interesting story I loved to hear, the story about pregnancy.

This was until one day I had to discover my own; I had to react to two bars on that test. My worst fear had come to life, I’M PREGNANT!

For first timers, it’s always a rollercoaster, from body changes to the thoughts running through one’s mind.

“What’s going to happen to me now? Will I be able to handle life with someone depending on me like that? Will I get Fat? I don’t want to get fat.” These are some of the thoughts that instantly hit me.

It’s one thing to find out that you’re pregnant, and you would now have cravings for more food, it’s another to make the discovery while you’re on diet. Now I have to stop drinking the tea for weight loss, because of the infamous phrase, “it’s not good for the baby”.

The first trimester is the hardest, well, I say that because it’s by far the only trimester I’ve been through. Waking up in the morning and everything you set your eyes on basically makes you want to puke your lungs out.

I used to love all my perfumes, but gave them all away in one day. Not only that, I don’t know how many times my poor boyfriend had to change his, because they just didn’t do it for me.

There’s one, or two, wait, maybe three instances that stood out for me though. When everyone was doing the countdown to the New Year and ready to light up those fireworks, I could hardly say my name.

I’m not sure if the baby was trying to cleanup 2015 garbage from my system, or basically telling me who’s boss, but the experience was unpleasant. I thought 2015 was fading away with me, seriously.

Throwing up experiences are the worst, because they simply can’t be postponed. For a young woman from Steenbok such as me, still making my way in this life, with no car, the experience tends to be twice as horrible.

Taxi rides are the worst, and remember, during the first trimester no one notices your pregnancy yet, because there’s no bump.

People rock their perfumes and all. Cheap perfumes are the worst, they have a sharp scent that just makes you want to die right away. And then there’s the malume by the window who has squeezed you and won’t open the window.

Every taxi ride would normally see me planning for my funeral.

At this point in time, you want to scream to the whole taxi to be lenient with you, because you are just a pregnant girl who’s lost in her emotions and everything it brings with, but you can’t. It’s not their business; they probably have bigger problems than you.

The worst happened to me one day though, I had to ask the driver to stop because I could feel the nausea getting to me.

Yes… I threw up immediately that taxi stopped. Here’s what my friend would normally tell me, and I want to put it on record that I officially hate that line. “Relax, your body is shocked and going through changes, you’ll be fine.”

How? How am I going to be fine when I’m basically dead? Well, that’s the beauty of pregnancy, going through all the exciting things and just sitting there like a cat that’s just been baptized.

There’s a lot to tell about my journey in this beautiful phenomenon called pregnancy.

This is just the launch of my weekly blog to follow from now on. You can also share your experience with me if you are a first timer. Send me your most hilarious, scary moments, or anything worth sharing on



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