Editor's noteLifestyleOpinion

Our View: As we tap into the new year

It's a brand-new year and your very first edition in 2016. We return from a very fun-filled festive season which was preceded by numerous activities politically, socially and educationally, too.

On Wednesday we received the class of 2015 matric results which indicated that as much as there is a decline in the national statistics, provincially we have stood out as a significant community that is hell-bent on ensuring that the consistent gradual growth in the province is always upheld.

Those are results of a community and its government at work, living up to the idiom: unity is strength.

As we enter the new year with our various resolutions, we need to focus on the deliverables because if we exert and direct our energies towards achievable goals, then we will succeed, but never procrastinate on working on achieving them immediately.

Much as we need to focus on ourselves, we also need to take cognizance that this year there will be local government elections to be held and everyone needs to be sane enough to vote for their party of choice.

It is only you that know your needs and the kind of leaders that you prefer to govern you to prosperity.

You need to ensure that the type of leadership you elect into local government is one that will ensure you have adequate water supply, housing, job opportunities and will change your life for the better.
Compliments of the new session!

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