Editor's noteOpinion

Admit your wrongs and face issues head-on

This has proved to be true for the ruling party. Last weekend the ANC, during its national general council (NGC), after many years of denial, admitted that the organisation’s progress has been hampered by factionalism.

If you are seeking solutions to your problems, then you need to admit your wrongs and face issues head-on. It is then that you shall be on a path of self-discovery and will improve your personal status.

This has proved to be true for the ruling party. Last weekend the ANC, during its national general council (NGC), after many years of denial, admitted that the organisation’s progress has been hampered by factionalism. The president, Mr Jacob Zuma, admitted that it came about because of personal greed and hunger for self enrichment by individuals who, when are in positions of power, abuse it.

He also admitted to the reality that registered membership decreased from 1,2 million to to an all-time low of about 769 000. This is a serious cause for concern. The warning signals have been highlighted by the media, and have been categorically denied by the organisation over the years.

Another concern yours truly has is the growing tribalism displayed in the filling of influential positions within the party and government. This tribalism was blamed on former president, Mr Thabo Mbeki, whose ranks were Xhosa dominated, but the current status quo reveals that it is now Zulu dominated.

One wonders, if the likes of deputy president, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa ever ascends to the presidency, will he also fill the government with his own tribesmen? It is true that greed and the hunger to rule has nothing to do with ideological differences, but has led to the abuse of
power by persons in leadership positions. If such naked truths have been realised as some of the causes of the destruction of the organisation, then so should they realize that the electorate has lost faith and trust in it.

The time of personal agendas has come to an end. Detractors of the organisation’s aims and objectives, including its founding policies, stand to be opposed by genuine members because rebuilding the ANC requires a real back-to-basics approach by its members. It also requires peace among warring members so that unity can prevail. The display of wealth by its leaders
and privileged members by flashing of money and expensive cars in the face of poor communities that have been denied opportunities, is bound to affect the organisation’s image and stature in society.

Enough damage has been done, it is time to heal and take cognizance of the fact that the people’s power shall prevail eventually.

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