Editor's noteOpinion

Prophets of doom dealt a heavy blow

Let us be realistic, ladies and gentlemen. What kind of human being can survive serving the community, both at government level and the ANC itself for so many years without any rest

Prophets of doom were dealt a heavy blow last week. After they spread rumours that ailing premier Mr DD Mabuza was dead, he surfaced in an interview on Ligwalagwala FM assuring the community he was alive and kicking. He said that he was exhausted and needed rest.

How can people sound such a lousy prank and arouse a nation with such lies? Was the prankster or pranksters so eagerly awaiting his death that they duly wished him dead in their hearts and minds? That clearly demonstrates how deeply they hate him. It is surprising that anyone can do so because a person’s soul belongs to God who has all the plans for that soul. If you are
meant to die by the sword, you shall; die by fire, so shall it be as it has been destined by
God the Father.

Let us be realistic, ladies and gentlemen. What kind of human being can survive serving the community, both at government level and the ANC itself for so many years without any rest. Surely, these bodies that we have, are flesh and blood, and at some point, they reach their limits and require some deserved rest. Never mind the many theories about his illness and now his “sudden death”. That’s the result of so much hatred they have for the man, once their comrade-in-arms, now enemy number one. Some of the haters have been empowered by him personally, but later perceived him to be the indescribable beast that the nation should hate.

My problem with some comrades is that of position mongering. Once removed, it is war unto you. Are we all destined for leadership positions or, as reality dictates, there will be leaders and those that will be led because we can’t all be leaders. I’m glad that they are not now being cowards by defecting to the EFF where they have identified opportunities of rising once
again. So you see where my problem is: This thing is not about the ANC, but about individuals assuming positions of power, then hurling abuse at its leaders. But please, separate the movement from your personal egos, then people can start listening to you. It is true not everything is right within the ruling party and its leaders.

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