Isn’t the “premier league” compromising the ANC’s integrity?

How can the ruling party be held hostage by three individuals against five other premiers and a host of ministers and their deputies?

The political playing field is getting more interesting, that is, if you’re privy to the undercurrent developments both provincially and nationally.

There has been wide talk of the “premier league” nationally and one then starts to question the integrity of the ANC before the eyes of its electorate.

How can it be held hostage by three individuals against five other premiers and a host of ministers and their deputies?

Somehow the electorate is being led astray by those who purport the existence of such a league.

If there is one, then where does it leave the president? Does this mean he is ruled by the said league?

Surely the ANC cannot traverse politics for over a century only to destroy itself by simply succumbing to the alleged dictates of the league.

Instead of focusing on such theories,which have no bearing on the required developmental status of the ANC itself, the electorate’s needs must be the focal point if any alleged grouping is to succeed in its endeavours.

As we face the run-up to the 2016 local government elections, there is a lot of bickering and shoving for positions because the control of local governments gives any organisation some ground control.

At this time, it is the survival of the fittest to eventually rule over many wards, regions, provinces and ultimately national level.

During such times, all organisations follow the same route as the ruling party, jostling for positions.

No party is immune to such action, unless they were delivered from the heavens above. What counts at this moment for the electorate, are feasible results in the fight for justice, equality, job creation, poverty alleviation, and generally, a better life for the people in their entirety.

Does your political party count among these?

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