Schools at the verge of electricity cuts

It is surprising that certain schools are under threat from Mbombela Local Municipality to switch off their Electricity for non-payment of bills. If they don't make acceptable arrangements soon they will face a blackout.

It is surprising that certain schools are under threat from Mbombela Local Municipality to switch off their Electricity for non-payment of bills. If they don’t make acceptable arrangements soon they will face a blackout.

How frustrating it is to be without electricity during load-shedding. Life comes to a complete standstill. I can only imagine how it will frustrate the learners as many amenities at the school will be completely useless.

It is incumbent upon the various schools’ management to avert this crisis as it will also affect the learners’year-end results.

It is also incumbent upon the department, to not only say the schools should make the necessary arrangements with the municipality, but they should practically get involved and solve this problem once and for all.

We’re talking about thousands of pupils and staff who will be affected. This is no small matter to be pushed aside as the blame and responsibility do not only lie with the schools.

As we round up Mandela Month, it was welcome news that one of the programmes at a school ensured that each learner had a desk and a chair.

Yours truly was excited about it, but at the same time, it raised a concern that there are still institutions lacking basic things in our province and country. I presume that is inclusive of each schools’ budget. It says a lot about management which is currently in the spotlight for several failures.

Something drastic needs to be done. Let’s not view things at the upper level that all is well, a lot more has been swept under the carpet.

Success in education is not questionable at matric level, but in that regard is, is it qualitative or quantative success? This is against the background that even our newly established University of Mpumalanga turned away several would-be students because of incorrect subject combinations, some of whom had no maths.

Mathematics should be compulsory for all learners – such a move will ensure that there is logical thinking among pupils that is instilled in one’s mind through this subject.

It is thus the responsibility of the Department of Education to ensure that this is implemented so that we begin to produce quality matriculants that are ready to be nurtured for fruitful careers that will not only benefit themselves, the province and the country, but will also enable them to face the world’s challenges, head-on.

It is never too late to implement such, even if it takes us back with percentage passes, it is done for the right reasons instead of rushing to reach a 100 per cent pass rate comprised of low-quality learners who are incompetent and cannot face the world.

As I sign off, I’d like to pose a challenge to all and sundry to take it upon themselves as parents and administration, that all learners should be taught mathematics and that proper streamlining of subjects is implemented, then we shall begin to supply tertiary institutions with quality students and the workplace can begin to ready itself for a productive workforce that will effect change in our economic situation.

The time to act is now. Procrastination is the thief of time.

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