
Faith corner

We need to understand the creature called human, they are response agents, they respond to what they like and dislike, what they hear and see, our successes and failures.

After surviving accidents, retrenchment, bullets and sickness; the next things we need to survive are human praise and your own success.

We need to understand the creature called human, they are response agents, they respond to what they like and dislike, what they hear and see, our successes and failures.

In my life I have learnt that not all praises are genuine just as not all criticisms are jealousy-sponsored.

People can praise you outwardly while not doing so inwardly, even more shocking, people can criticize you outside while they know the criticism is not genuine inwardly, lip service is a fitting word.

It takes maturity to handle praise, others are built stronger by praise while others are destroyed and overwhelmed by it.

An advice to those who are currently recipients of staggering praise: when people praise you they lift you up, don’t forget that after the lifting, disembark that high flight and come down.

People can build you a mansion in the sky without foundations. A shower of praise and appreciation can be the greatest and beautiful feeling to the recipient and criticism is always bitter.

Humans learn more, grow stronger and become wiser in criticism, pain and bad times than they do in praise, joys and good times.

Only God is worthy to be praised because our praises don’t lift him up he is already high, our praises don’t change Him.

He is unchangeable, our praises don’t make Him He is God already. Watch this; praise given to man may change the “praisee” but it doesn’t change the praiser, praises given to God doesn’t change God but it changes the praiser.

Wise people don’t accept praises, accolades and stripes from any one. Not everybody is qualified to praise you.

Only the greater, wiser sometimes even the older and experienced ones have permission to praise because they know.

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