Faith Corner: Pride

Humanity was designed and wired in highness and greatness, not surprising because they are crafted by a great and high God. The devil that brought us down sought to be high and lifted up; this is according to both Isaiah14:13-14 and Ezekiel 28.

Humanity was designed and wired in highness and greatness, not surprising because they are crafted by a great and high God. The devil that brought us down sought to be high and lifted up; this is according to both Isaiah14:13-14 and Ezekiel 28.

Pride always duplicates and robs us of our identity; it doesn’t want you to be who you are but to be who you are not. Pride is the first and original sin, all other evils evolved from pride. Nobody has leave to exalt themselves, God himself has not allowed Himself to praise Himself, so what more about humans.

Friends with pride comes a plethora of problems, once a person lifts himself up, he refuses to have equals and suppresses everyone and everything that tries to surge up.

It makes us who we are not and then we lose ourselves thus loosing purpose, track, fulfilment, impact and correct destiny. We shouldn’t be allowing ourselves to slander, gossip, character assassinate our way to greatness because greatness comes neither from the east nor from the west but it comes from God Ps75:4-5. It is God who promotes one and demotes another.

Pride seeks self-worship and worship by others and it rejects the worship of God. Pride says I am better than all, humility says all are better than me.

When pride completely takes root, it viciously destroys its host and turns him from best to worst, imagine the most beautiful arch-angel, an embodiment of beauty and sheer perfection turning to be an ugly devil and Satan. Pride results when we look and focus at self, we lose gratitude; we want way more than we have, we self-glorify.

Everything you are you were made not self-made, everything you have you were freely given, where you are you were positioned, whatever you know you were taught, whatever you perceive it was revealed, whatever you conquered you were empowered.

Truth told, you never made yourself but you were made by God through his grace. Humility is not humiliation; the way that goes up first goes down, when bullets fly the safest place is to lie low.

To be humble before your seniors is respect, to be humble before your peers is modesty but to be humble before your juniors is nobility. God hates the proud and raises the humble.

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