Faith corner

1 Cor 4:1 says, "Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God." Sadly believers today are known for wrong things, not the biblically sanctioned ones.

1 Cor 4:1 says, “Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.” Sadly believers today are known for wrong things, not the biblically sanctioned ones.

We should be seen by the cosmos (system) as ambassadors of Christ, stewards of the eternal and ages-old mysteries of God, His love, grace and redemption. English developed the word mystery from an original Greek word “musterion” which means hidden things or concealed things.

Its “cousin” is revelation from Greek “apokalipsis” meaning to uncover, reveal, appear or make known. Mysteries are truths, doctrines, hidden wisdoms from eternity and past generations, they can never be understood till they are revealed, and they are spiritually discerned and not intellectually comprehended.

The Christian faith itself is a mystery hence the high scholar and crème de la crème of academia cannot understand it. Of course Christianity shouldn’t be understood but it should be believed.

Believe it because it defies the laws of science and has no regard for logic. Hence the message of the cross is foolishness to them that perish but the power of God to us who are being saved.

Only through faith can the world accept the package of the gospel, indeed without faith it is impossible to accept let alone please God. God himself is a mystery: He is spirit invisible to the natural eye, without beginning and ending.

Yet He is the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last. His wisdom is unsearchable his nature unfathomable, his ways higher and hidden from human knowledge, his voice inaudible yet when He speaks the earth quakes, mountains billow in smoke, rocks split, the dead rise, the sun dims, seas divide and humans freeze, fear, fall and faint.

He is a wondrous and amazing God. He is a total mystery, being the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit a tri-unity not a coalition. When God forms man He consults the tri-unity and says, “let us make man” in a season usually only one component of the Godhead dominates, e.g. in the creative week it’s the Father, the son camouflages as the engineering wisdom of the father.

Because God is a spirit both male and female nature are situate in him. When your situation needs a loving and comforting motherly hand, God is able to come and comfort you as a mother. He is able to be husband to widows while being father to orphans, amazing isn’t it?

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