What’s for dinner?

This has to be one of the most age old questions asked by children/teens (in particular) every day for centuries: What’s for dinner?

This has to be one of the most age old questions asked by children/teens (in particular) every day for centuries: What’s for dinner?

And when you answer you generally get

a: “Ah yech – I hate that!” However when we decide to put the ball in their court – or put the heat in their kitchen so to speak, the typical answer is: “I don’t mind – whatever; I am not fussy.” Until, as sure as fried beans cooked up tend to stick to the bottom of the pot – you place the dinner plate in front of them and they pull a funny face!

My family just doesn’t get it – as much as they don’t mind as they are not fussy.

I am actually asking because:

A) I would like them to enjoy the meal so if they decide, it’s their choice and no funny faces will have to be endured by me – Chef of the day!

B) it’s nice for someone other than me – “Chef of the day” to make the decision and take the heat off me for a change!

Of late I have noticed a trend that is spreading faster than Twitter in our house! No matter what recipe I decide on, when it comes to mince, it is a definite no-win situation! Be it cottage pie, curried mince, meatballs, lasagne, Babotie; I have even tried meatloaf.

No, no, not “that” meatloaf – I mean the meal meatloaf served whilst Meatloaf serenades my family with “I would do anything for love – I would do anything for love; but I won’t do that – no I won’t do that” … nothing is actually said. It is more a case of action speaks louder than words!

But yip my boys sing quietly along to the Meatloaf song “I won’t do that…” – “That” being the varieties of mince dishes served to them.

Hmmmm, now that I step back and think about this – perhaps I have raised, not brats, but rather fussy “MasterChefs” that unless the dish is presented in an appetising and tasteful manner to the palate- well, they just are not going to compliment the chef, which is me.

Actually, I have just realised who the real guilty party is here: The TV and its MasterChefs’ of the world! I am so over MasterChef SA followed by the latest episode of Masterchef Australia, followed by MasterChef wherever!

By the end of a busy day and having to have made the decision of what’s for dinner and cooking it …I certainly don’t care who leaves and who stays in MasterChef. I so want to leave my kitchen way behind.

I recall when my two were still young lads – Ryan was about seven and Chad was about three and they were in the bath while I was cooking dinner. I was heading toward the bathroom when I heard Chad asking Ryan: – “What’s for dinner?”

Ryan replied: “I don’t know – some animal’s bum.”

On the menu that night was Boston butt with mash, peas and gravy!

So my question to you dear readers is: What’s for dinner?

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