Editor's noteOpinion

Our view

I think by now the message about honouring and caring for women and avoiding abuse against them and children at all cost, has really sunk into everyone's minds, and now we must focus on our heritage.

I think by now the message about honouring and caring for women and avoiding abuse against them and children at all cost, has really sunk into everyone’s minds, and now we must focus on our heritage.

September is about knowing who you really are and where you come from, and where you are destined to go as an individual and part of a nation. It is very important to know your roots and origins. Can we do an introspection during this month, and reflect on our lives?

At the same time, we also need to preserve our natural habitat as without it, we are poorer. It is also such a disgrace to come across people who do not even know the inside of the Kruger National Park.

It is a disgrace that some people are ignorant of places like the Three Rondavels, Sudwala Caves, Bourke’s Luck Potholes, Mac Mac Falls, and Blyde River Canyon, which are renowned the world over.

As much as we have been too westernised, it is also very important to be proudly clad in your traditional attire or something that represents culture during this month, as an honour to your ancestors whom you should still respect.

This month is also a time where people should reflect on themselves in terms of their behaviour and attitude. Respect is one of the cornerstones of our society and it needs to be instilled.

More often than not, they come down to earth whenever they come across serious problems in life, then they seek their ancestors and origins. Sometimes it is too late for such. Make haste while there is still time.

Knowledge and a sense of belonging are what you need and are essential in life.
Let’s enjoy Heritage Month, a time of self-discovery.

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