Faith talk

The Power of action People are not really poor, they are simply afraid to start. Others see the way but don't have the desire to walk it. Many have the skill but few possess the will.

The Power of action
People are not really poor, they are simply afraid to start. Others see the way but don’t have the desire to walk it. Many have the skill but few possess the will.

Desire is the starting point of all achievement. Some people have the platform to launch to greatness but their problem is they don’t enjoy what they are doing.

When you turn your vocation to vacation you accomplish extraordinary things. Some of us dream of being outstanding and possessing outstanding things but we are not prepared to engage in extraordinary and outstanding actions. If you keep on doing what everybody does, you will have what everybody has.

If you think what everybody thinks, you will become what everybody becomes. Proverbs 21v25, “The desire of a lazy man kills him because his hands refuse to work” 1 Chronicles 28 v10, David tells his son to be strong and just do it. You can lose that weight, you can build that house, you can get educated but here is the point. GET STARTED.

If we can combine faith and initiative we can remove barriers and achieve the unheard of, because dreams come true when desire transforms them into action. Friends, unless we begin we will accomplish nothing in this life because the greatest journeys begin with one small step.

Destiny is not a matter of chance but of choice, it is not a thing you must want but a thing you must choose. The whole world is full of wanters but very few choosers.With beginning and believing you can craft your path to high achievement.

Determination and perseverance have the power to move the world. Kevin W McCarthy says the fear of failure and success are the same, both are fear of exposure. Remember that God has placed within all of us all we need to succeed, hence he who looks outside, dreams, but he who looks inside, awakens.

We need three power secrets to win: HAVE POWER TO START. Don’t plan forever, defeat the fear to start. God blesses those who start. Don’t be a spectator in the game of your own life.

Actors take action, spectators watch and wonder. HAVE POWER TO FOCUS/STAYING POWER. Paul says, “Not that I have already achieved but I follow after” Philipians3v12. HAVE FINISHING POWER. Touch the finish line, dont fade on the way. God doesn’t start what He can’t finish.

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