
Faith talk

Our young don't just drink, steal, kill sleep around at own choice and will. No, they are under a powerful kingdom, a system and a law.

Our youth, beset by a plethora of challenges, in a world that is being raped and ravaged by the Devil, whom the bible says, is the god of this world, have no fighting chance unless they mutineer and stage a rebellion against the god and government of this world.

Our young don’t just drink, steal, kill sleep around at own choice and will. No, they are under a powerful kingdom, a system and a law. It is called the kingdom of darkness. You can’t change an illegitimate regime or kingdom unless you stage a coup, a rebellion.

This column is dedicated to young people who want to say, ”We are sick and tired of being deceived and enslaved by evil, tired of being destroyed in our teens.

” Young people need to stand up and claim their sanity, health, education, peace and their joy from the Devil. Being young is not a tragedy but an opportunity to learn, to prepare, to start something, engage, acquire and accumulate.

When you are young you work. When you are young you build, then when you are old you look back and celebrate.

If you don’t have a vision you have nothing, because you see nothing. If you can’t see it you can’t have it.

If you can’t see it you can’t say it, if you can’t see it you can’t claim it. Vision is your central reason for living. It is what I see in the future before the future arrives. Young people need to master the following: educational world, love world, financial world and body management.

Boys before books bring babies. Young girls need to focus on education before they engage in love affairs. Those who fall in love normally don’t rise from it. Don’t fall in love, decide and walk in love.

Falling is a mistake, walking is conscious action. Don’t just love with your heart love with your mind too.

Young people need to master their financial affairs now. You multiply and grow money and not blow it.

Create a good and friendly relationship with money and it will love you. Our bodies are the only gift we have that’s more real than anything.

I need my body to build a house, get a degree and to marry my wife. If I look after my body it will look after me for a very long time. I am myself because of my body, without it nobody would know me.

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