
Those were the days my friend

Do our kids even know how to find an author on the shelves of a library – how many of them even know how to spell the word library?

When I think back to my childhood – one of my most vivid memories is that of my parents at every given opportunity, reading! This, from the bottom of my heart, I thank them for. My absolute passion for reading is the greatest.

In actual fact, if I think about this, I know my sister is also a great reader – as are so many of my friend as well as my sons!

Books really are the most amazing invention ever! “Ok Ok, YES” I hear you saying “we get it – you love reading” …… But this has got me thinking! How many of us still belong to the local library? When last did we walk the endless aisles searching for that special novel?

Do our kids even know how to find an author on the shelves of a library – how many of them even know how to spell the word library?

Besides the costs involved in setting up a library – are they even that sought after anymore?

When we first moved here, I joined our local library. I belonged to the one in Durban – in Glenashley actually. A beautiful suburb that stretches across the green hills with the vast blue ocean sparkling below it. Never mind the mind blowing books that fill that building – the glass windows that look out across the sparkling blue ocean are bound to capture ones attention before the “best sellers list” does.

As I sit here and reminisce I can literally hear the waves crashing and the unforgettable sounds of the ocean. My goodness the sea really is a Best seller for me – any day! Lying on the beach, always a book at hand.

The warm sand beneath you, the ocean a wide breathtaking expanse before you, the smell of the suntan lotion as young moms lather their youngsters with it. The giggle of the children’s laughter competing against the seagulls. Mmmmm what chapter was I on again?

Back to the good old library scene we go dear reader…

The musty scent of the library – mingled with the smell when one opens a new book – the bold ink together with the crisp clean paper sure lure me in. But getting back to the question – Wow today I am like an inquisitive butterfly exploring the flowers – flitting here and there.

With the world of electronics consuming our planet faster than a flash of lightening in the darkening skies – who still takes time to visit the local library?

When the kids come home announcing they have a project which is due by a certain date, well I for one cannot recall when last I gathered the kids, the piece of paper stating the subject matter of the project and raced off to the library.

These days it takes a mere few steps to the computer, or even more advanced one’s tablet! That word alone – how long did it take me to learn the lingo?

My husband would ask, as they rushed out the door in the mornings: “Have you got your tablet son?” I immediately would hit panic stations as I ran behind, enquiring if Chad had a headache/ sore throat/fever and alas if he did, should he in fact be taking a tablet so early in the morning!

They would both breathe a huge sigh of IRRITATION ….not relief dear reader – as mom flustered over the TABLET again!

Have you noticed – when on a plane – no one – well very few passengers even have a good old hard copy book on their lap! Besides the Inflight magazine – it will most definitely either be a Kindle or a movie they have on their “devices” – unless of course you happen to be on the same flight as me – then you will see an actual book!

To me – right now and right here, in this stage of my life, nothing beats a REAL, page turning, word for word, chapter for chapter, put the book mark in when not reading – book.

Which if I did not get from the book exchange, book store or book club – yip you guessed: it’s from the library.

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