
And so it was to be; no Christmas list for me

Weeks before the Malls displayed their Christmas decorations – I was compiling my Christmas wish list. I wanted to be certain that by the time my beloved asked for it, I would be ready.

And so it was to be; no Christmas list for me –

Weeks before the Malls displayed their Christmas decorations – I was compiling my Christmas wish list. I wanted to be certain that by the time my beloved asked for it, I would be ready.

So there I was thinking it through: “What would I really like?” Each week it was something else. The Christmas brochures that suddenly started sprouting out of the local papers caused quite a bit of chaos for me! Items I hadn’t even thought of appeared enticingly before my eyes in those attractive glossy paged brochures, more and more to ponder over.

However, as the day drew closer and the days left to shop dwindled away. I noticed that still no mention was made of what would I like, no requests for my Christmas list. Not a word.

So I casually left my list on the pool table. I felt sure it would most certainly be seen there. Perhaps he was going to play it cool – so I would assist by leaving my list easily accessible for him to have a quick glance over and mentally make a note of what to look out for.

Once or twice I casually mentioned to the kids what I would love for Christmas – that would be an avenue that perhaps could be channelled as well. They would surely tell dad.

* * *

Well that I most certainly was! I received the most beautifully wrapped enormous parcel. The whole family waited in anticipation as I opened my present. Each with a very bemused expression I might add! Clearly they knew what lay ahead!

Once all the wrapping was off there in front of me – was a bicycle! Yes! For me that cannot even find the energy to take Pebbles for a walk around the block! Ok, I tried to convince myself – this will be fun! Cycling along the beachfront – How hard can that be?

Well let’s say, the first family ride along the beachfront was for my boys (and me I guess) the most frustrating ever! I kept stopping to catch my breath – this was supposed to be a leisurely ride along the Promenade after all – not the Argus! “Keep up the pace mom!” – Chad would ride along and then circle back “Come on mom!” – I peddled my legs and behind off to keep up!

As fast as I peddled the blustering wind blew me back, slowing my pace even more than it already was! Eventually I pleaded with the boys! My face was an exact replica of a tomato – or was it a beetroot? My ears felt like they were about to burst! I was so hot and flustered – surely I was about to explode from the heat and exhaustion ? “You feel free – go race the Argus whilst I do a leisurely Sunday stroll” I barked at them with what I felt was most definitely my last breath.

The next morning I woke expecting to hobble as I took my first step out of bed! But all was good! NO stiff muscles at all. I was fine! And after the initial “Battling with my bike in the blustery wind” our beachfront cycles were filled with fun, lots of laughs and good catch up sessions as friends and family joined us.

We would peddle along casually whilst the youngsters peddled ahead furiously, imagining the Argus – or was it the Tour de France.

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