
Believe me, content is king

The most asked question by individuals and organization is how to get followers or friends once they have opened a social media account on Twitter, Facebook, Mxit, instagram etc.

The most asked question by individuals and organization is how to get followers or friends once they have opened a social media account on Twitter, Facebook, Mxit, instagram etc.

Social media should be kept social, not business-like, the way marketers and brand maven have turned it to be. It must be all about two way communication, in that way you will be able to get a feedback from your followers.

You don’t improve a relationship with your followers by simply bombarding them with more content. Instead, learn how to manage your messages by sending relevant content to the right audiences, at the right time, across all your marketing channels.

Provide your followers with a relevant and positive experience that will have them coming back for more.

This means providing information to your customers that is relevant for them, that is useful and that interests them, and that targets both their needs and desires.

Instead of pitching your products and services, content marketing involves delivering information that makes your readers and viewers more intelligent (or better informed, I would say). By publishing content that repeatedly and regularly engages their attention you can alter your customers into followers, thereby creating a channel for driving sales and increasing numbers.

Using content to create a following:

More recent examples include Capitec Bank’s phenomenally successful #AskWhy Twitter campaign that engaged with consumers about their banking experiences, and responded to conversations with relevant facts and content.

Twitter content marketing has also worked extremely well for Henley Business School which increased its Twitter followers from around 600 to over 6,000 in 9 months by engaging an expert business writer to drive its Twitter conversations.

Think before you tweet or post that content on Facebook.

Remember that whatever you write on social media will stay on Google forever.

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