Editor's noteOpinion

Our view

When we do good, we do not receive any accolades from our critics, it is only when they fail to honour their duties of communicating the programmes, that they point fingers at us, which is not fair.

It’s exactly 20 days before the May 7 general elections in the country, and as political parties are panicking if they will receive the deserved support through votes, they are busy pointing fingers at each other, including us, the media.

Honestly speaking, we cannot predict where each party will be campaigning. If you do not invite us, we will never know. Instead what happens, there are parties with dedicated communications networks, who invite us, making us look biased, which we are not.

We continue to support every citizen and every political party as we, at the same time, continue to expose anomalies within our communities as watchdogs of the community. People should understand the role of the media is to report all negatives against the community that it serves, at the same, we’re at liberty to report about the good things the authorities have in store, including exposing corruption.

When we do good, we do not receive any accolades from our critics, it is only when they fail to honour their duties of communicating the programmes, that they point fingers at us, which is not fair.

As tomorrow is Good Friday and we have a whole weekend of attending church services while some are going on holiday, we can set aside time to communicate directly with our Creator, God and plead for peace within our province and country as a whole.

Let us pray that only trustworthy political parties should win the forthcoming elections, not careerists, who are only there just for the positions and pecks that go with it.

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