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Remember that every vote counts and that is why one needs to make sure that they do not spoil the ballot paper.

In South Africa, April is Freedom Month and is observed every year.

It is a month where South Africans celebrate freedom and democracy and the achievements against divisions and a painful past.

Inclusiveness and diversity are two of the key elements of the new South Africa, which is celebrated each April.

Twenty years into this freedom, as a South African do you feel included? Is there a programme that speaks to you?

Well before you answer me on that, let me give you an opportunity to sit and reflect on your life before and after 1994. Is there a difference that you feel has been brought by democracy?

I have heard people compare the difference in the RDP houses built pre-1994 and those built after 1994. In an attempt to unpack this, it then becomes imperative to look further into the dynamics surrounding these houses. In a country where redress is the sole agenda, the quality vs quantity debate becomes the best reference point to base the arguments on.

What is your ideal South Africa and which party is speaking a language close enough to your ideal state? At a theoretical and more practical level, do you believe in the abilities of the party you plan voting for in this year’s general elections?

If the answer to this question is yes, then you need to ensure that on the 7th, you go to the voting station and do the right thing by ensuring that you have your bar-coded ID. People are also encouraged to go to their voting stations early in case their voting stations have changed, they will be able to go to the correct station and still be able to vote.

Remember that every vote counts and that is why one needs to make sure that they do not spoil the ballot paper.

Should it be spoilt, the voter must get a new ballot paper from the IEC official and do it correctly. You can share with us your views of an ideal South Africa on @_mpnews @hlengimganu or email us at

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