Faith talk:The deceitfulness of sin

Sins like drugs can be addictive and have a stronghold on its poor victims. It also destroys and irons the conscience of the sinner.

Hebrews 3:13

Dear reader, I hope and believe that you have been blessed and also challenged by our entire write-ups but also specifically the very last one on sin. Remember that we are living in the day and age where the truth of the word is censured and we are all subjected to selective preaching, where we preach what we like not what God commands. None born of a woman should take light the sin problem. Your enemies, the devil, satanists, all of them combined, can’t take you to hell but sin surely can.

Hebrews 3:13 “Exhort one another daily, while it is called “today” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin”. Sin deceives, devours, dismembers, divides and destroys.

The devil works with senses; he manipulates our feelings and our visions. Genesis 3:6, “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasant to the eyes and desirable to make wise…” Satan made the woman to desire the forbidden fruit. He created a craving and appetite for breaking the command God had given earlier on. In other words sin presented itself as indispensable and absolutely unavoidable. Have you ever been tempted with a thing that looked juicy, sexy or attractive to the point where you lose your head and want to indulge? Have you ever heard the devil telling you, eat this, take this, or sleep with this one to experience happiness, ecstasy and fulfilment you have never known? When sin wants to destroy you it presents itself as the thing you have to take and it throws you into a corner from where escape is hard.

Once you commit to sin, your appetite for that sin gets whetted, and before you know it, you crave it daily. Sin has degrees and levels. Sinners graduate from one level of sin and move to the next, hope you got it well hey, it’s not an academic graduation, it is a graduation in sinfulness.

You start small and commit “petty sins” at first from where you move to “medium-sized sins” and then you get to the “big stuff”. Others begin to sin privately and cover up their sin, soon the devil blows the cover, thus putting them to public shame and blame, and others begin to do things publicly and in broad daylight.

Sins like drugs can be addictive and have a stronghold on its poor victims. It also destroys and irons the conscience of the sinner. That is why people steal, murder and rape with impunity and no shame. The solution to sin is accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

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